Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If not now, WHEN?

Today is a down time catch up day for me.... The horrid paperwork and bills day. The day always seems to slip away because I don't stick to my plan. Every week I say the same thing, this time I am going to get moving in the morn, get right at the clutter and finish this little task first thing. I never seem to stick to it though. I procrastinate, I feel like I have hours of work waiting and I keep finding distractions. I find things that just HAVE to be done now, keeping myself away from the one job I need to finish for the day. Eventually I will find the courage and stamina to sit down and go through the paperwork, sort and filing it all, pay the bills, and update what needs it on my website. I will finish within a few hours, smiling and finally feeling free, telling myself I have to get right to this next week, it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. I will look at my day and realize I have wasted an entire day running from one thing to the next in an attempt to avoid something that wasn't what I had thought it would be.

Its a hard lesson to learn, but if I apply it to life, I surely will find myself in the right place, a heck of a lot sooner than later....

Today, think about the goal, the dream, the things in life you have been craving... Don't look at all the ways you can stop yourself from achieving that goal, don't listen to the lil' voice that says its too much work, don't invent reasons to say "not now I will when...".

Jump into the process, take that first step. You'll never know, unless you do....


  1. Wise words that, while so many of us know are true inherently, are so valuable to hear spoken! You know this is one of my lessons, as well. ;) Great blog, honey!! Thank you!!

  2. Thank you Honey!!! I'm glad you liked it :)

  3. Thank you for the wonderful words. These words are helpful when you add them to the beauty of meditation. http://blog.californiapsychics.com/?p=2484000
