Whether striving to create the life we dream of, develop our spirituality or simply make our moments a little bit better; the first step is to look inward. We must change our thoughts before we attempt to change our experiences and relationships. Finding happiness with who, what, and where we are in this moment is the key that will unlock the door to living a joyful and fulfilling life.
It is not a matter of seeing where we are now, and where we want to be next week. It is a matter of seeing where we are NOW and being happy and joyful NOW. It is not a matter of changing someone or something else. It is a matter of changing our self. We shouldn't give up on our goals, but we shouldn't wait until we get there either.... We may feel we want a partner, a better job, more money, to be alone, to have less or more responsibility, to have children or to not have children, a bigger or better home... If we continue to carry our thoughts in this way, we will continue to wait for the next something to "make" us happy.
Once we consciously accept our situations for what they are, and appreciate that our decisions and choices have brought us to this place, we can then make peace with where we now find ourselves. In that process of finding ourselves thankful and joyful for where we are, who we are, and where we are going; we turn our lives from waiting to be happy later, to BEING happy NOW.
Donna, I don't know how I missed your blog until now, but I am so glad I found it!
ReplyDeleteSo much wisdom and truth in what you share here. I can't help byt be reminded of the serenity prayer as I read your words:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
It's wonderful, and fun, to visualize and imagine . . . but we must first be accepting of what we HAVE in order to create more of what we DESIRE. Thanks for the inspiration!
Blessings ~
Thank you so much Jess! I am so happy you found your way over here and that you found some bit or piece that may make you smile :)
ReplyDeleteI believe my favorite line of the Serenity Prayer is "and the wisdom to know the difference"
~ Much love ~
So glad I found your blog, Donna. Lovely site and the photo's are beautiful. Maybe I should change mine as it looks very drab compared to yours. Love and light to you. Lorraine xxxx
ReplyDeleteLorraine! It is so good to "see" you! I am going right over to read your newest post :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment. I took those photos last Summer while enjoying a sunny day with the pups in the backyard :)
Much love~
Donna, I am at par with you when it comes to looking inwards to gain happiness. Just before I started mindfulness meditation, I felt that I was dragging myself through life, constantly being bullied by the pressures of work and society, only to realize that I have been overloading my mind with a lot of things at the wrong times. I think about work when I'm at home watching tv, or when I'm cooking my dinner, and I think about deadlines and meetings while brushing my teeth or taking a bath. It was not until I took classes that I realized that my mind should be in what I am doing. Living in the present is the key to living a stress-free life. Thank you for sharing this post, and your photos are absolutely beautiful!