Monday, February 15, 2010

Changing the world...

While every moment is filled with communication from Spirit, we are not always being given profound, life or perspective changing guidance. Many times, they are simple reminders, soft pushes to change direction, gentle lessons on how to be or serve...

Every once in a great while Source, our Guides or Spirit speaks directly to us, either through unquestionable direct communications, epiphany, or through example. Those times are the ones that we will find ourselves repeating to others, days, months, years down the path, we will find ourselves returning to that message, that lesson, that moment.

Those times are mile markers on our journey. They often lead us forward with a better sense of who we can become, how we can be the person we desire to be, why something as simple as a smile can change the moment of so many people... How an individual can change the world....


We catch ourselves, we seem to stand out from the moment and be looking in. The lesson surely changes everything. Surely the world will be different, because Source has given me the greatest gift in understanding... Many of us walk a bit further, interact a bit more, and slowly let go of that message when we realize the world has not changed. We see the same joys and hurts, the same actions and inactions... We let go of that gift and continue forward. Until the next moment when we are given a second gift, a third a fourth... Sometimes, we are able to hold onto the message, sometimes we are able to apply it to our lives.... But on the average, we hold onto it, turn it up and around, perhaps journal it, perhaps share it with others, and then we let it go....

To truly see the world change, we must take that message, direction, guidance, experience and apply it to every moment of our journey. We must consume the message, make it a part of our physical self.

By becoming that message we truly share it... we change our world...